
Drinking Fruit Juice Can Trigger Diabetes

"Diabetes is called blood killer illness. Once suffering from diabetes, blood vessel illness can hit anywhere. Little blood vessels of the most widely exist in the kidney and eyes," said Dr. Greenson Antono, Sp.JP, FACC, FSCAI, FAMS, FIHA in media forum event held at Le Seminyak Siloam Hospitals, Pacific Place, Jakarta, Thursday (06/24/2010).

 compared Indonesian men have pre-diabetes. As for in America, individuals who have pre-diabetes at 40 to 50 percent of the population. The reason for the outbreak of diabetes, of which comes from food. It can not be denied, that the tongue of Indonesia closely with sweet-based foods and flour-based, which is a diet like this is the largest supplier of body vulnerable to diabetes. In addition, the habit of eating a fruit juice than eating the fruit can instantly become of the triggers of diabetes assault us.

In developing countries, diabetes has increased the number of singnifikan. No wonder, when Indonesia as of the developing countries also have various diabetic patients is high.

"And, that damage the market is fruit juice. When they eat fruit, our stomachs ngejus. Ngejus tummy time, they was wasting calories twenty to 40 calories made for ngejus. Meanwhile, if the fruit juice, they do not ngejus stomach,"

In fact, by eating the fruit directly, then the body will produce less insulin. What cause?

"Carbohydrates in fruit that will release slowly. So the sugar in to the blood will slowly enter. When they went in to the blood, the body needs insulin production. When the body's production of insulin, blood sugar down. But it is how much insulin needs rapid food on the absorption by the body. Eat fruit juices, insulin requirements are higher than eating the fruit, "
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder caused by deficiency of insulin production or decreased insulin receptor sensitivity. Insulin itself is a kind of anabolic hormone produced by beta cells in pancreatic Langerhans island. So what to do with the habit of eating sweet foods (including sugar) and flour-based foods?

"The more they eat carbohydrates that have been processed, the higher the necessity for insulin. Until day the body can not produce more insulin. It occurs when diabetes. When insulin levels have gone up, and can not produce more, then the occurrence of diabetes,"

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