
Raw vegetables-desist Cancer

Vegetables & fruits have long been known to reduce the risk of definite cancers. Based on earlier research, the American Cancer Society recommends that they consume fruits & vegetables every day.

Do not dismiss the farmers. Because of them they get cheap drugs. New research published in the American Association for Cancer Research's Sixth Annual International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention, Philadelphia United States said, that black berries & young broccoli & some fresh vegetables may reduce the risk of esophageal cancer & bile duct.

In early studies, researchers from Ohio State University found that black raspberries protect us from esophageal cancer by reducing the oxidative stress generated by Barrett's esophagus, a precancerous condition often called gastroesopagus reflux disease. Esophagus is a long tunnel that connects the esophagus to the stomach. Reflux disease causes stomach acid continuously soaring upwards towards the esophagus. & causing a burning sensation in the mouth.

"Especially in patients with Barrett, reflux in the stomach & bile acids contribute to the occurrence of oxidative destroy. Thus, our hypothesis is that the foods that contain protective ingredients such as antioxidants, vitamins, minerals & other phytochemicals may be restoring oxidative balance, "says Laura Kresty, principal investigator.

The team gave 32 to 45 grams of black raspberries every day for three months to twenty patients with Barrett's esophagus. They analyze changes in the blood, urine & tissue before, in the work of, & after treatment & found the levels of markers of oxidative stress is lower in both urine & tissue samples.

People with Barrett's esophagus disease is usually 30 to 40 times the usual risk of suffering from esophageal cancer would. Life expectancy up to years only 15 percent.

Meanwhile, research conducted at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York, the United States found that broccoli & some fresh vegetables can be used to fight bladder cancer.

In earlier research, black raspberries can reduce the risk of mouth cancer, esophageal, & colon. Dietitian, Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, professor of behavioral science at MD Anderson Cancer Middle at the University of Illinois, Huoston, said that they felt better suited to advise patients with Barrett's to eat black raspberries. "This won't hurt," said Wendy.

"Our research to date indicate that broccoli extracts can inhibit the development of bladder cancer. They do not yet know whether the same extract can inhibit bladder cancer when it is grown, "said Zhang who also revealed that the compound sulforaphane in broccoli can stopping cancer.

By using mice, the team headed by Dr. Yuesheng Zhang, professor of cancer specialists this demonstrates that broccoli extracts can mengngari emergence of bladder cancer by 70 percent.

"Then they plan to examine the broccoli extract to fight cancer in humans," explains Zhang.

A second team at the same institute found that those who ate or more servings of fresh raw vegetables every month to reduce the risk of bladder cancer by 40 percent. Fresh vegetables include broccoli, cabbage, & cauliflower.

This analysis shows that the more raw & fresh vegetables are consumed, the lower the risk of these people suffer from bladder cancer. Compared to smokers & those who only consume about servings of raw vegetables every day, those who are not smokers & to consume servings of raw vegetables every day, 73 percent lower risk of bladder cancer.

The team analyzed the dietary habits of 275 people suffering from early stage bladder cancer & 825 healthy people. The researchers specifically asked how plenty of of these people eat cooked & raw vegetables they consume before undiagnosed disease & whether they smoked.

"In our study, present in fresh & raw vegetable consumption lowered the risk of bladder cancer in smokers & heavy," Li said pliers, lead researcher. These researchers assert that these benefits come from raw vegetables & fresh.

"It also confirms that there's lots of kinds of parts in vegetables & fruits are beneficial to reduce the risk of cancer. Research like this helps to help us understand the effects of specific nutrients to definite types of cancer, "said Colleen Doyle, director of nutrition & physical activity at the American Cancer Society.

"Cook vegetables as quickly as feasible or if feasible eat fresh vegetables at least servings per day, kinds of colors. These foods contain lots of antioxidants & phytochemicals. Cancer must be reluctant to cease at the body AndaKhasiat Celery To Drugs

Celery (Apium graveolens) can grow well at high & low plains. Plants dikatageorikan celery as a vegetable, celery plantations in Indonesia are in Berastagi, North Sumatra & West Java scattered in Pacet, Pangalengan & Cipanas a cold temperate. Plants knobbly & has a wet bar of this compound, can fundamentally be divided in to several types & include celery tuber can be eaten.

In Indonesia, celery leaves used for supplementary vegetables (eg, for soup). For ancient Romans celery plant used as a bouquet of flowers. According to the historian of botany, leaf celery has been used as a vegetable since XZII century or in 1640, & is recognized as medicinal plants scientifically new in 1942. Celery plant breeding can be used four ways, namely through the seeds or the removal of babies rumpunnya.

Local Name:
Celery (UK), Celeri (Germany), Seleri (France); Selinon, Parsley (Germany), Celery (Indonesia); Sledri (Java), celery (Sunda).

Benefits To Drugs

Chemical Ingredients:
Celery has lots of nutritional value, among others, (per 100 g): a. calories by twenty calories, b. one gram protein c. d. 0.1 grams fat four.6 grams carbohydrate e. calcium 50 mg f. phosphorus 40 mg g one mg iron h. Vitamin A 130 SI i. Vitamin B1 0.03 mg j. Vitamin C 11 mg & 63% of the edible part. Celery leaves also contain lots of apiin, in addition to a diuretic substance that is useful to increase the amount of urine.

  * Materials: celery leaves to taste
  * Method: squeezed with cooking water & then filtered;
  * How to make use of: drink one time a day four tablespoons, & completed regularly.
  * Note: Excessive use of unsafe!


Overcoming the pain of dry eye

  * Ingredients: four stalks celery, four stalks of spinach leaves, one basil leaf stalk.
  * How to make: all ingredients are pounded together & then brewed with one cup hot water & filtered.
  * How to make use of: on regular drinking.


  * Ingredients: one stalk celery
  * How to make use of: eaten as vegetables every meal.
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