
Ten Causes of Dental Pain Feels

Often feel pain in your teeth when consuming hot or cold drinks, or when consuming acidic foods and sweet? If yes, then you suffer from tooth sensitivity (dentin hypersensitivity).
Usually the sense of pain arising was very sharp, brief and often undiagnosed even neglected. No mengherankah if 50 percent of Indonesia's population has sensitive teeth problem even without them knowing it.
Problem of sensitive teeth is not an incident arising from dental disease, but occurs due to thinning enamel, gums and decrease the opening of the dentin (the layer under the enamel). Pain associated with sensitivity generally occurs in the tooth nerve.
"Usually the problem of sensitive teeth begin to be experienced at the age of 20-50 years. But who can tell, people with sensitive teeth many experienced women who adhered to a clean life, "said Maria Melisa, Dental Datailing Manager, GSK Consumer Healthcare, at the Media Briefing, Sensodyne Expert Sharing in FKG UI, Jakarta, Monday 20 of September 2010.
Most women want to come up with a clean, white teeth. Often do bleaching your teeth, even teeth menggososk with excess pressure. Melissa adds, teeth brushing habits with excess pressure can make the gums become irritated or gum down from the neck of teeth. Akkibatnya, over time the roots of the teeth will be open (gingival recession), the neck cavities, enamel would be reduced in thickness so that when drinking cold water, sour / sweet or even touched any toothbrush bristles will ache.
The formation of tooth enamel is less than perfect (ename hypoplasia) may also occur in certain cases. This situation will also make the teeth become sensitive.
In addition, the buildup of food debris in the meeting can also cause tooth tooth ache. Leftover food is infiltrating through the neck of the tooth and difficult to reach toothbrush so it will be difficult to remove, over time the accumulation will be more and more, and pressing the gum pockets deeper than normal.
Broadly speaking, cause tooth sensitivity, among others:

Decrease in the gums.
Poor oral hygiene.
Bleaching (whitening tooth surfaces).
Erosion of the email.
Brushing your teeth too strong.
Elderly patients.
Consumption habits of food / drink acidic.
Dry mouth and saliva production slightly.
Often experience during sleep gerinding teeth.
Ongoing gum infection.

"The problem of sensitive teeth can be solved, namely by using the toothpaste contains strontium chloride and potassium nitrar," said Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, Drg. Robert Lessang added.
Not only that, Robert is also suggested, in order not to brush your teeth soon after eating. Brushing your teeth after eating can lead to sensitive teeth due to PH in the mouth decreases. So it's good to postpone brushing your teeth after eating or doing a toothbrush 25 minutes thereafter. When brushing use a soft bristle brush to scrub with a strong no.
"If the problem continues to disturb sensitive teeth, consult with your doctor to do more intensive care to reduce the movement of fluid in the dentinal tubuli and inhibits the response of nerve endings causes pain," he said.
Why Lazy Toothbrush Can Trigger Death
Brushing your teeth at least twice a day not only for dental and oral hygiene, but to prevent chronic disease. People who brush their teeth less than twice a day have a higher risk of heart disease.
As quoted from the pages of the Telegraph, a number of dental health experts at Bristol University found the number of bacteria in the mouth can enter the bloodstream and trigger a blockage. These conditions increase the potential for heart disease and stroke.
The most plural breeding in the mouth that does not clean the bacteria Streptococcus. These bacteria do not have direct access into the body, but a chance to enter the bloodstream when there is bleeding of the gums.
"The bacteria that sneak into the blood vessels will lead to blood clots that eventually could potentially clog the blood supply to the heart and brain," says Professor of Oral Microbiology, Howard Jenkinson.
These results reinforce previous studies penelitin in Scotland of more 11 thousand adults. The study found that people with poor oral health 70 percent higher risk of heart disease. The link between gum disease and heart disease is published in the British Medical Journal.
To that end, Jenkinson reminded the importance of maintaining healthy teeth and mouth. Not only by diligent brushing and flossing after eating, but also make regular visits to the dentist. Remember, heart attacks remains a champion of the cause of death worldwide.

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