
Know the 6 Kinds of Non Cancer Skin Disorders

Spots or abnormal growth of skin can appear on the surface of the skin, especially during old age, but most of it is harmless and does not require further treatment. The growth of non-cancerous skin including actinic keratoses, cherry angiomas, skin tags, age spots, moles, and warts.
1. Actinic keratosis
Actinic keratoses are skin growths that have a rough surface and the skin can be red, or white. Actinic keratosis is also called solar keratosis because it is caused by excessive exposure to sunlight. Actinic keratoses usually develop on the white-skinned people during middle age or old age. Usually, most often appear on the face, nose, ears, hands and upper chest.
In some cases less than approximately 5% - 10%, actinic keratoses can develop into a form of skin cancer known as squamous cell carcinoma, an invasive and dangerous. So although the actinic keratosis is not a skin cancer, but you should immediately treat it. Actinic keratoses can be removed permanently through surgery, including laser treatment.
2. Cherry angioma
Cherry angiomas in the form of spots on the skin bright red, like cherry, which can grow larger, which consists of a collection of blood vessels that accumulate near the surface of the skin. Cherry angiomas can develop in any part of the body.
Cherry angioma risk increases at age 40 years and over, but this will not turn into cancer. Cherry angiomas that appear on the face can be easily eliminated with the use of cosmetics, even without any medication usually goes away by itself.
3. Skin Tags
Skin Tags or acrochordons is a form of skin disorders are common and generally harmless, looking like a wrinkled skin, stick or cling to the skin beneath it, is small only a few millimeters to large about 5 cm only and the same color or darker from the surrounding skin. Usually most often occurs in the neck, upper chest, armpits, around the eyes and the part where there is friction-skin friction.
Men and women are equally susceptible to skin tags, are more common in middle age and tends to increase until the age of 60 years. Obesity and overweight can increase your risk of skin tags. Skin tags are harmless but can cause irritation if constantly rubbed.
4. Age Spots
Age spots are flat patches of grayish, brownish or blackish skin, is the result of long-term exposure to sunlight. Also known as sun spots, liver spots, or lentigines lentigos. These spots vary in size and are usually found on the face, arms, shoulders, or arms that are generally exposed to sunlight exposure. Age spots are usually experienced by people with more than 40 years of age, but did not rule for more experienced young people.
The signs of age spots, among others:

* Wrinkles are quite deep,
* Dry skin and rough,
* Reddish veins on the cheeks, nose and / or ears,
* The skin is thin and somewhat transparent.

Everyone is at risk for age spots and often occur when people age, most common in whites / bright and often exposed to sunlight. The skin that most often there are age spots on face, arms, hands, and upper shoulders are often exposed to sunlight.
Age spots themselves are harmless and do not require medical treatment, but it is possible that the black spots develop into melanoma. Perform the checks to the doctor immediately if:

* Very dark pigmented,
* Rapidly expanding,
* Not having the normal limits with clear skin,
* Have unusual color combinations.

5. Mole
Moles are common skin growths that can appear in almost all parts of the body. Moles are usually first appears as brown spots or black that enlarge slowly over time, a different height and color of the surrounding skin. Moles can be flesh-colored pink, brown, brown, or bluish-black. Sometimes covered by hair. Moles will become darker if exposed to sunlight frequently.
Moles present at birth is medically known as congenital nevi. Mole greater than average or irregularly shaped or has a uniform color is called atypical or dysplastic moles. Mole of this type have the possibility of evolving into a form of skin cancer. You probably should consult a physician if you have a mole that: it can change its shape, has an irregular border, uneven color, or very large.
Most moles are harmless and require no treatment. But some people throw a mole for reasons not unsightly. Risk factors a person has a mole among others, heredity and sun exposure.
6. Wart
Warts are benign tumors aka meat grown on the surface of the skin, caused by infection of human pappilomavirus (HPV) which is one of the virus that causes cervical cancer (cervix). But warts include the category of non-cancerous. This virus causes only the tough protein keratin in the epidermis (top layer of skin) that grows too fast.
Skin disorders differ with moles warts. If dark moles and warts is large enough such as skin color, while a prominent and likely to be small. Usually the hands and feet are most commonly encountered of warts.
Warts can spread to others in ways such as: scratching or biting warts that exist, thumb sucking, nail biting can cause warts to spread on the fingertips and around the nail and when shaving face or legs.
Warts are usually grown, rough, and dark. There are several types of warts, among others:
a. Common warts (verruca vulgaris) This type of wart has a rough surface and texture and form of the thickened bumps called papules or plaques. Can appear in any part of the body, but more often occur on the knuckles, fingers, elbows and knees. Most have small dark spots that originated from frozen blood vessels.
b. Verrucas (Plantar Warts) These types of warts usually appear on the soles of the feet, sometimes in the heel and toe. These types can be painful and usually grow into the skin because of pressure from the soles of the feet. His trademark is a black dot in the middle with the white area surrounding the hardened.
c. Plane warts (verruca Plana) This type of wart is round, flat, smooth and generally yellowish, brownish or skin color. More common in children and found on the hands, feet and face.
d. Filiform warts (verruca filiformis) This type of long-shaped warts and are usually found on the eyelids, neck and armpits.
Most warts do not require medical treatment, because most warts can disappear on its own.
But if the warts are painless, easy to bleed, change shape, spread to other areas or grow back after discarded, then you should consult a doctor to get treatment.

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