
Effect of Smoking in Children

Smoking can also cause premature birth or spontaneous abortion. RT Ravenholt, an epidemiologist, estimates that cigarettes cause a miscarriage 50,000 per year in The united states. According to the study, 19 percent of the first kid born to a father of smokers in Germany is a premature kid. The number is three times higher than females who do not smoke.

Take care to pregnant females not to smoke or chew tobacco, because there's plenty of poisonous chemicals and radioactive polonium which can interfere with the development of the fetus. Kid to be born later by a father who smoked in the coursework of pregnancy will be reduced ten percent of its weight. Therefore the weight of the kid at birth is a key factor in child mortality, tobacco use is unsafe to the safety of the kid.

The frequency of respiratory illness, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, influenza and colds more often found among children whose parents smoke. Research in Britain shows, children under one year of age whose mothers smoked over one pack per day had a risk of bronchitis and pneumonia three times as high.

Kid development would be hampered if the parents smoke. According to the study, the lung capacity of the boys will be reduced 7 percent if the father smoked. When teenage boys are also smoking, lung capacity will be reduced by 25 percent. Children who are forced to inhale smoke from their parents will encounter in the physical and intellectual development, as well as the longer a person in contact with carcinogenic substances such as cigarette smoke, for example, the more likely to get lung cancer.

A study in Germany, shows, children whose mothers smoked ability to learn to read more slowly than children whose mothers did not smoke. Another study in The united states, shows, children aged 11 years whose mothers smoked, the ability of learning late of 6 months.

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