
For bowel cleansing juice

First, parents in Java are familiar with the term cathartic. Nowadays people are more knew him as a colon cleansing (colon cleansing). Various types of cancer can be resisted with this effort.
Did you know that in the body there are a lot of mucus that blocks the blood circulation, so it can hinder the healing process during illness?
Mucus-mucus in the body that happens because we eat slimy foods like cheese, butter, rice, dairy, animal products, salt, sugar, white flour, and so on. Mucus-mucus needs to be cleared from the body to keep you healthy.
Nutrition doctor, DR. Dr. Walujo Soerjodibroto, Ph.D., says that if we have been accustomed since childhood mengasup fibrous food, mucus, mucus was not going there. This new layer of mucus can loose if we do colon cleansing (colon cleansing) regularly. How, in addition to using laxatives, can also do therapy with grape juice.
"In this therapy is recommended to consume grapefruit juice every four hours, reducing the consumption of protein and fat, and increase consumption of fiber from vegetables and fresh fruit," explains Dr.. Walujo.
Several types of cancer can be cured such as breast cancer, prostate, and many more. "Healing is of course will happen only if patients adhere to the schedule of recovery programs, in addition to keeping the consumption of protein and fat to be not excessive," he said.
Original formThe human body can be likened to a car engine that needs fuel, so it requires the right food and beverages. These foods are required slimy as one of the fuel the body because they contain protein and karbohodirat.
However, because of bad fat content in meat that tends to inhibit blood circulation, Dr. Norman Walker, in his book, Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices What's Missing in Your Body, said the need to eat food in the form seasli possible. In other words, back to nature for the better.
Prof. nutritionist. Dr. Nainggolan, author of Natural Healing with Juices, saying that the substances the body needs such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes are sufficient in fruits, grains, and vegetables. Only, because vegetables and food that is cooked, especially with high temperature, nutritious substances contained in them can be lost or disappear, though not entirely.
"Approximately 60 to 70 percent can lose nutrients when cooked," he said.
Warming of more than 45 degrees Celsius can result in damage of proteins and enzymes in vegetables and groceries. This is unfortunate because the enzyme is important in many bodily functions.
In the book The Complete of Juicing, Dr.. Michael T. Murray, a nutritionist from Seattle, Washington, wrote that the enzyme is a powerful protein that plays an important role as a catalyst or instruction in almost all the activity and biochemical reactions in the body numbering in the hundreds of thousands.
"Optimal health depends on enzymes that can do the job well. By returning foods seasli possible, we are not always the enzyme deficiency. If the deficiency, can be a serious problem," he said.
Jump TakenBefore you start trying to do the cleaning, it helps to understand the problem of juice.
In making the juice was not simply smooths away fruits or vegetables into the blender machine. Dr. Michael reveals four things to know in making juice:
Juicers not the same as blender. If you want fiber, use a blender, while to get the sari-sari without pulp, use juicer.
How to drink it, may be taken alone or mixed with other ingredients so delicious. For the less tasty juice, mix with carrots, apples, or strawberries. It may also add a little honey. Since this is for the treatment and cleansing of the body, the juice should be drunk is not mixed with water.
Drink juice immediately after it is submitted, no later than six hours are stored in the refrigerator.
When cleaningTo rid the body of mucus-mucus that inhibits blood circulation, even though it may at first seem difficult, Prof. Nainggolan suggest we should not eat anything, like a true vegetarians. The goal, the body clean so that we gain freshness.
"They are normally used as body fat, and thin-bodied are also used as normal. To have gastritis and intestinal diseases, are encouraged to consume foods such as regular fixed by adding the amount of fruits and vegetables into the menus, "he said.
The tips below are excerpted from his paper, Preventing and Curing Diseases with Fruit and Vegetables. He did not encourage children to try these tips because they are still growing.
First Day
In the morning around 06.00, drink papaya juice 1.5 or 2 cups. When drinking, you should rinse his mouth first so that the juice is mixed with saliva. So that no fiber, may also eat a carrot at midday.
Day Two
Same with the first day, drink papaya juice in the morning. In the daytime also should eat a carrot sticks. On the second day is recommended to drink as much olive oil 1 teaspoon three times a day followed by drinking carrot juice.
Day Three
Same with the second day. At this time your body is being cleaned. Symptoms that may be felt during the cleanup, to be sure you feel hungry and probably will be sore in the area being cleaned. If it hurts, it's a sign that a lot of mucus must be removed from the body.
Day Four
Continue to drink carrot juice and juice are allowed plus fruits and vegetables, other vegetables like cauliflower, tomatoes, celery, green peppers, lettuce, onions, and others. Raw fruits are cut into small pieces, mixed, then put a little salt or soy sauce. No need any type of meal, but the mix just three or four types of meal. In order to feel good, always provide carrots, tomatoes, and pineapple.
Fifth Day and beyond
Eat a little rice as food enhancer. Do not forget to subtract the cooked food.
Tenth Day
On this tenth day you can return to normal eating patterns. Continue to drink juices and raw foods also mengasup.
For a more complete, at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, follow the following menu:
1. Breakfast:
Fruits in season, three or four kinds, cut into pieces plus honey. Coincided with the Eating while drinking carrot juice, beet, carrot and cucumber with a composition of 75 percent, beets and spinach as much as 25 percent in one glass.
2. Lunch:
Two apples, grapes, or bananas plus celery, spinach, lettuce, watercress, and carrots.
3. Dinner:
Three kinds of fruits such as pineapple, papaya, and mango or fruit in season, plus carrot juice or a mixture, such as carrots and celery.

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