
Drugs, Miras and Teens

The spread of drugs and alcohol is now so endemic in society. Spread no longer know the socioeconomic status and age. Establishment of National Commission for Drug Control can show how the gravity of issues faced.

The teenagers ought to be aware of these issues and help each other if any of his friends who are addicted, because only with the support of people around then they will be cured. In addition, adolescents were consciously or can not get caught up in drug and alcohol issues because of the sophistication of the airport. Therefore be united and collectively resist the spread of drugs and alcohol, of coursework, in ways nice.

Things you ought to know about drugs / alcohol

Narcotics and risky drugs (narcotics) are drugs that have specific effects so harmful if consumed in vain, therefore its use ought to be controlled by doctors.

These effects include: cause paralysis or matirasa (narcotics) reduce pain, relax nerves, soothe and make the bed (a depressant); stimulate the nerve middle for energy or increased activity (stimulant), and a alter of mind or feelings that felt it wonderful (hallucinogen). Drug addiction will cause a decrease in immunity, blood poisoning and can also cause death.

While Miras (liquor) is a beverage that contains alcohol and can be addictive, can be risky for the wearer because it can affect thinking, mood and behavior, as well as causing damage to organ functions. The effects are stimulating, soothing, relieving pain, anesthetize, and to make happy.

Recognizing drug / alcohol in a simple

In addition to positive drugs from a doctor, a variety of materials around us can give effect as above, among the flowers and leaves of cannabis (ingredient in cooking), a positive type of cactus, and cow dung fungi.

In addition, lots of "medicinal" or "strong medicine" that is sold is served with wine, which when taken excessively or often will actually make the addictive and bad. Not unusual for people to experience death due to carelessly mixing mixing liquor with powerful medicines that give deadly consequences.

While alcoholic drinks, except that lots of are sold as beer, whiskey, vodka with various brands, are also often made his own such as palm wine or wine (from the palm tree / sap), Ciu or brem (rice juice, sugar cane), and rice wine.

If they find any of our friends with a number of the features below, possibly he was hooked on drugs / alcohol:

Simple signs that can be recognized if a drug addict / alcoholic drinks

How badly the spread of drugs and alcohol

  one. Temperament or behavior changes such as: which usually merry suddenly become moody, irritable and speedy to anger for no apparent reason.
  one. Frequent yawning and sleepy, lazy, distracted and did not care about hygiene or appearance.
  six. Become undisciplined, or often blurred, both at home and at school.
  six. Grades or other achievement decreased.
  six. Hiding in dark places or calm so as not to look people.
  6. Prefer associating with positive individuals who have traits such as the signs above.
  7. Steal anything belonging to parents or relatives to buy a drink or drugs.
  8. Often anxious, basically stressed or nervous, difficulty sleeping.
  9. Forgetful, like dull or senile.
 ten. Red eye such as drowsiness continues or wear sun shades.

Victims of the drug no longer know the limits of age and socioeconomic status. Elderly, young and even children who had had lots of teenagers are trapped or a drug user. Mostly composed of young addicts, whether they are in cities and villages, who come from families rich and poor, highly educated and mediocre.

Drugs and alcohol drug in particular has been membahayakah life. Statistical information shows the number of drug users and alcohol tend to increase from year to year.

If they or our friends use continuously for a month or more it will lead to the signs:

Because of drug abuse / Miras

  * Lazy to eat, so physically weak and malnourished.
  * Live squalid, so eczema, venereal disease, further lungs, hepatitis.
  * Frequent headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping.
  * Heart muscle disorders and hypertension.
  * Movement disorders and body balance.
  * Slow work, sloppy work, often tense and anxious.
  * Loss of confidence, apathy, dreamer, filled with suspicion.
  * Mental disorders, anti-social and immoral, ostracized by the environment.
  * Tend to self-harm, even suicide.
  * Death due to organ damage.

Due Drugs / Miras for Reproductive Health

Using Drugs and Miras can be bad for our survival and our descendants, including:

  * Pattern of the squalid life and forget the moral norm, often leading to contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs, HIV / AIDS) is transmitted to the pair, and may even be directly transmitted to the child or birth defects.
  * Hooked on drugs in the elderly may lead to kids born with drug dependency and ought to have a costly intensive care.
  * Habit of using drugs / Miras can be dropped on the properties of a born kid, that is to be a drinker or addict, or mentally weakened / disabled.
  * Woman "users" have a lazy attitude to life and malnutrition leading to the child fall, low weight or disability.
  * Can lead to impotence or excessive sexual desire and sexual behavior that disrupts the harmony of the relatives.

Adolescents and issue drug / alcohol

Some teenagers may fall in to drug and alcohol issues because of the influence of social surroundings. Those who wear always have a "user groups". Initially somebody experimenting because of relatives or friends use it, but there's later became a habit.

If a person has become accustomed to wearing it and because it is simple to get it, then they will start wearing it yourself to know-know have become addicted and difficult to cure.

In adolescents are "disappointed" with the condition themselves or their families, often prefer to sacrifice anything for the sake of nice relations with friends in particular. The existence of "solicitation" or "bid" from friends and the lots of film and entertainment facilities that exemplify "a modern social model" is usually encourage them to make use of in groups.

Ensnare teenage life

In case you use drugs / Miras has become a habit, then they become addicted so difficult to remove the desire to make use of it. Difficult to remove, because the substances that have seeped in to the body and feelings, so that the "demands" to be met.

Even so hooked on the drug can indeed lead to "fever" or "pain" is redundant and will be recovered if the relevant use of the drug. So individuals who have been addicted, it is not unusual to be a thief, pemalak, or get anything to wear to buy drugs.

Drug or alcohol dependency that is causing the effect, but which primarily is actually a dependence on the group, namely the sense of "recognized" have the same identity with them, ie friends sekelompoknya a "modern and brave".

Do not get affected

Those who do not fall in to the issue of drug / Miras is due to "not" influenced by a playmate or the environment. They know that "illicit goods" are religiously prohibited, and when to fall then the risk would be huge for health and safety of themselves, including for social and economic life of relatives and community.

Do not Ever Think To Try. The thought that ".. I try and straightforward to cease \.\.." Is a risky mind and for drug issues.

Avoiding addiction

Refrain from the use of Drugs / Miras is with the attitude of refusing to wear it, because it is full aware of the consequences they cause. The first is the refusal to distance themselves from those who wear in case you feel it would be difficult to reject the offer.

The attitude of rejecting the other is not coming along to enjoy the stuff, though day-to-day is still hanging out with their usual, it is that they ought to not hesitate to say "no" if offered to take wear.

If they feel unable to cope with persuasion of individuals who desired to become users then do not hesitate to ask for help or advice from people they trust.

Examples of statements in the ordinary coursework rejected is like: "ah no, it is risky ..."," oh no, if nyobain later carried away ...", "oh no, I do not usually wear KOG ...";" not ah , it may not \.\..". Strongly reject the attitude may be necessary if somebody pressing you hard. Basically tell them firmly and confidently: "no!"

In principle, the teenagers must implement a balanced life, which meet the various needs of physically, socially, mentally, and spiritually. To always keep in mind is the variety of activities are done by us everyday:

Manage yourself, stay away from drugs / alcohol

Active role in combating drug / alcohol

  * Actively uphold norms of religious and social.
  * Actively involved in relatives activities, social and religious.
  * Active exercise and exercise in groups, 2-3 times a week.
  * Actively conducting a hobby, recreation or play with friends.
  * Actively create the capability themselves with various skills.
  * Adequate rest, 7-8 hours a day.
  * Eat a balanced diet and regular meals, get together with relatives.
  * Dealing with matters of life without much fear, panic or stress because it will certainly be resolved over time.
  * Do not save "problem is not bad", but tell it to others.
  * Think that life has no governing.
  * They basically must live with the best so it does not need to be "adventurous".
  * Do not basically accept something like sweet or cemil-snacks from people they have no idea or people they know but they do not think.

Invite other teenagers to join in the activities of the group. Contact the authorized person (can be by phone or letter without including a clear identity if it is risky to themselves and surrounding communities).

Make groups of activities that are productive in their respective environments. United in the group and open with each other to discuss the difficulties of each, if there's members who receive inducements from individuals who have become users.

Things to do in the event that they know there's individuals who are addicted around us

Keep in mind that drug and alcohol issues are our issues together. Everyone can experience it. So do not isolate or away from those affected by drugs and alcohol. In lieu rangkulah them and help them to get out of these issues.

 support and help victims' families to be together to help victims. If you are having lots of obstacles in aiding victims, refer the handling of the victim through his relatives to the party who has the ability to do so.

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