
Know the glycemic index on Rice

In general, the IG determined by the varieties of rice or rice & gabahnya types, which are related to physico chemical properties, but may even be influenced by processing, among them the parboiling process, such as rice & Batang Piaman Taj Mahal.

Glycemic index (GI) is the degree of food according to their effects on blood sugar. Foods that raise blood sugar levels quickly have a high GI. Conversely, foods that raise blood sugar levels slowly have a low GI.

Changes in lifestyle & food consumption patterns of society have resulted in increased number of degenerative diseases such as diabetes mellitus (DM) & hypertension. Patients with diabetes mellitus who do not require food raise blood sugar levels dramatically.

Rice for Diabetes Patients

Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a illness where the body of people with diabetes are unable to control the level of glucose in the blood. Patients with weakened glucose metabolism distribution so that the body can not produce insulin in sufficient quantities, or are unable to make use of insulin effectively so that excessive sugar in the blood.

Some high yielding varieties of rice from rice that has grown today have a low glycemic index. Therefore, people with diabetes do not must worry about eating rice, as long as does not exceed the energy needs of each individual.

Through a survey in 2001, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 150 million people worldwide suffer from type-2 diabetes mellitus. In Indonesia, people with diabetes to reach three million people in 2001, an increase of 37.5% from 1994. Today, people with diabetes in the world estimated 240 million people.

In recovery, people with diabetes are usually advised to consume the drug in combination with diet & exercise. Therefore, diabetics often limit the consumption of rice because rice has been blamed as food hiperglikemik, whereas rice has a glycemic index of a variety. Glycemic index is the level of food according to its effect on blood sugar.

Based on the content of amylose, rice can be divided in to sticky rice (amylose content of 10-20%), rice beramilosa moderate (20-25% amylose content), & rice beramilosa high (> 25%). Glycemic index of rice varieties, which are summarized from several sources are introduced in the table below.

Food glycemic index values ��are grouped in to low ( 70). If people with diabetes to consume food that has a high glycemic index, the blood sugar levels quickly increased, & vice versa.

However, this is not a controversy for diabetics who are accustomed to eating rice inflammation, such as the society of West Sumatra & South Kalimantan. Apart from the texture & taste preferences rice, diabetics require to refer to the energy needs necessary by each individual.

Rice High beramilosa have a low glycemic index, except rice varieties & Batang Piaman Ciliwung. Rice IR36, Logawa, Batang Lembang, Cisokan, Margasari, & Water Tenggulang have a low glycemic index so it can be consumed by diabetics. Rice with low glycemic index usually have the texture of cooked rice inflammation thus less preferred by people with diabetes, those accustomed to eating rice fluffier, like people from ethnic Sundanese & Javanese.

The notion that high beramilosa rice has low glycemic index was not always true. Rice varieties & Ciliwung Stem Piaman that high levels of amylose has a high glycemic index as well. In contrast, rice with a low glycemic index beramilosa not only high, but as well as a beramilosa're like rice varieties Ciherang.

Food glycemic index is influenced by amylose content, protein, overweight, fiber, & starch digestibility. Starch digestibility is the ability of starch to be digested & absorbed in the body. Carbohydrates are slowly absorbed to produce low blood glucose levels & potentially controlling blood glucose levels.

Most scientists argue that amylose is more slowly digested than amylopectin, because amylose is a polymer of simple sugar with a straight chain. This straight-chain amylose formulate a solid bond that is not basically tergelatinasi. Therefore, amylose is more difficult to digest than amylopectin which is a simple sugar polymer, branched, & open structure.

Starch content & composition of amylose / amylopectin effect on the digestibility of rice starch or rice. Until now, there is still disagreement among scientists about the speed of digestion of starch & its relationship with the content of amylose / amylopectin.

Rice Taj Mahal of India is claimed as the special rice for diabetics have a medium glycemic index (60). Rice is expressed as steamed rice (steam rice) & sold at high prices. Rice Taj Mahal have different characteristics with steaming rice that has been experienced as those parboil rice. To strengthen these allegations were examined using a scanning electron microscope.
The results showed that the structure of the Taj Mahal rice starch that has been steamed rice sekompak not parboil. That can happen if the rice steaming process is different from the Taj Mahal parboil rice. In other words, the Taj Mahal rice heat treated in such a way that does not cause changes in cohesiveness of starch. This can happen on dry heating process in a short time above the gelatinization temperature.

Based on the characteristics of foodstuffs containing high amylose has a higher hypoglycemic activity than foodstuffs containing high amylopectin. Therefore, rice with high amylose content tend to have a low glycemic index.

Parboil rice is usually cooked by damp heat. Executive Directorate of the National Diabetes Institute (NADI) in Malaysia reported that the Taj Mahal bangs rice has a protein content & higher fiber than standard rice in Malaysia, Britain, & China, & contains lower overweight & phytosterol that act as antioxidants.

Best Local Rice

Texas State University reported also that the consumption of anthocyanins may improve insulin production by 50%. Anthocyanins work by neutralizing the enzymes that can damage tissue collagen, collagen tissue antioxidant properties protect against free radicals & repair damaged proteins in blood vessel walls.

Aek Sibundong brown rice has a glycemic index is & when consumed by people with diabetes can give a nice effect because of the content of anthocyanin pigments that coat the rice endosperm. Anthocyanin pigment can prevent diabetic complications by reducing the abnormal collagen in blood vessels due to ties of blood sugar with protein, stopping damage to the lymphatic process, prevent the proliferation of abnormal proteins that may cause blindness, increase adipocytokine gene expression, & if there is dysfunction may cause insulin resistance.

Some high yielding varieties of rice homemade Rice Research Institute has a low to moderate glycemic index. With various advantages, such rice varieties are important for diabetics to run her diet. In addition to proper diet with due regard to complement the rice which has a low hypoglycemic properties, the consumption of drugs, healthy lifestyles, & exercise regularly is a wise action in controlling blood glucose levels

In addition, red rice varieties Aek Sibundong contain insoluble fiber food that is high . Dietary fiber does not dissolve function to prevent the spread of various diseases associated with the digestive tract, such as hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, & colon cancer.

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