
Nutritional Antioxidants and role

However, free radicals are not always harmful. For example, free radicals play a role in the prevention of diseases caused by microbes through a special blood cells called phagocytes.

Free Radikai are molecules that have atoms with unpaired electrons. Free radicals are unstable and have high reactivity. If free is not dinaktivasi, reactivity can destroy all types of cellular macromolecules, including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. Impact on the protein destruction by free radicals cause cataracts, effects on lipids cause atherosclerosis and the effects on DNA to cause cancer.

Internal Sources:

Free radicals can originate from within the body itself or from outside the body.

  * Mitochondria,
  * Phagocytes,
  * Xanthine oxidase,
  * The reaction involving iron and other transition metals,
  * Arachidonic pathway,
  * Peroksisome,
  * Sport,
  * Inflammation,
  * Ischaemia / reperfusion.

Outside Resources:

  * Cigarettes,
  * Environmental Pollutants,
  * Radiation,
  * Positive drugs, pesticides and industrial solvents and anesthetics,
  * Ozone.

Antioxidants with other little molecular weight present in foods, which are known are vitamin E, vitamin C and carotenoids. Some foods also contain other antioxidant substances. Most of the antioxidants present in foods or are phenolic compounds polifenolat. Although the substance is not known nutritional function, but may be important for human health because of the potential antioxidant.

  * Soybeans: Isoflavones, phenolic acids
  * Green tea, black tea: polyphenols, catechins
  * Coffee: Esther phenolic
  * Red wine: phenolic acids
  * Rosemary, sage, other herbs: karnosat acid, acid rosmarat
  * Oranges and other fruits: Bioflavonoids, chalcone
  * Red Onions: Quercetin, kaempferol
  * Olives: Polyphenols

Some foods that contain non-nutrient antioxidants:

Some nutrients that are antioxidants and their role in human body are as follows:

Catalase, improve mitochondrial function, hemoglobin.

Cu, Zn-SOD caeruloplasmin.

Mn-SOD in mitochondria. SOD or superoxide dismutase, an important class of antioxidant enzymes superoxide radicals dalarn pendekomposisian catalytic to hydrogen peroxide and oxygen.

Cu, Zn-SOD: generate more antioxidant properties, Stabilizing membrane structure.

Sulfur-containing amino acid needed to make GSH, SOD, catalase, glutathione reductase and peroxidase, metal transport, and pemyimpanan protein. Albumin as a carrier of copper sacrifical antioxidants in plasma.

Orange red pigment in tomatoes. Strong cleaners singlet O2. It is estimated to be antioxidants in vivo, but has not been determined.

Riboflavin (vit. B. water-soluble)
Glutathione reductase, improves mitochondrial function, is necessary to make the FMN and FAD.

Glutathione peroxidase, thyroid function, can help detoxify carcinogens. Selenium. Lots contained in the liver and seafood. This micro minerals necessary by the body in limited quantities, so they do not need to eat excessively. 100-200 meg safe dose supplements. Hair and nail loss are poisonous effects of selenium supplements, due to excessive consumption and continuously in a long time.

Beta carotene
Precursor of vitamin A. Can have some antioxidant properties-strong cleaners singlet O2, can react with radical peroksil. Some reported that �-carotene inhibits lipid peroxidation process in the membrane, but only at low O2 concentration.

Retinol (vitamin A, vitamin fat-soluble)
Some of the proven antioxidant properties in vitro, but there is no lovely facts that, retinol works as an antioxidant in vivo.

Vitamin B complex, folic acid and vitamin B12.
Maintaining emotional stability and strengthen memory. Controlling hypertension, those flowing to the brain, which can prevent a stroke. The best sources are brown rice, tempeh, meat without lard, green beans, red beans, soy.

Vitamin B3 or Niacin or nicotinamide
Needed to make NAD +, NADH, NADP +, NADPH - necessary for glutathione reductase. Important in cell metabolisms and energy production.

Vitamin C
Hydroxylase enzymes, water-soluble antioxidant, vitamin E to recycle, reduce carcinogen nitrosamine.

Vitamin E
Protects against lipid peroxidation process, can also help stabilize the membrane structure. Reduce the rate of cell aging, as well mempermudanya back. Source of Vitamin E: green beans, red beans, walnuts, sesame seeds, almonds, walnuts, avocados, olive oil, palm oil. Supplements of vitamin E ought to be consumed for the short term.

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