
Retreat-retreat ( Undur-undur ), Alternative Medicine Overcome Diabetes

In addition to gold tripang, retreat-retreat may even be used as an alternative medicine to overcome diabetes. Small animals often found around the house leafs sand is powerful lower blood sugar. Retreat-retreat has a Latin name Myrmeleon sp. was efficacious lowering sugar levels in diabetics.

According to a study headed by Tyas Kurniasih from Gadjah Mada University study entitled Potential retreat-retreat Army (Myrmeleon sp) 2006, these animals contain sulfonylurea. Work sulfonylurea in retreat-retreat is to wage employment in the pancreas to produce insulin. Because, when insulin in the human body decreased while blood glucose levels rise, then there is an imbalance. Where is the body's energy-producing insulin as a steadily decreasing. As a result, the body susceptible to disease.

Drug Store Owner Wan Fu in Cotton Krampung Dang, Koh Eddy, admitted retreat-retreat from the Chinese society long known for the treatment of diabetes. Usually, retreat, retreat of crude put in to capsules or mixed with other herbal ingredients and then swallowed. How alternative medicine is now beginning to be hunted in diabetic patients.

Actually, Koh Eddy was brought in-gu-sharks (retreat-retreat land in Mandarin) from China in years ago. However, when the diabetics in Surabaya less reply. "The purchase does not exist, so in vain, eh now booming again in-gu-sharks live," he said.

Dr. Lie Ying Huang of Hwato Medicine Clinic, Gubeng, Surabaya, revealed that in-gu-sharks is used in China as diabetes drugs, and actually efficacious. "However, clinical research and clinical use in China has not been there," Huang said the original Chinese and could only Mandarin, Friday (27/10).

Residents of Surabaya has proven efficacy retreat-retreat for treating diabetes is Roeslan, 50. Men living in the region of origin Mojokerto Jl.Tambakasari that have diabetes with blood sugar levels reach 300 mg / dl. However, after swallowing a regular retreat-retreat, his blood sugar dropped to 140 mg / dl. "I obtained a retreat-retreat by searching in the village," he said.

He drank three times a day by being swallowed, one time direct swallow tails. Because blood sugar levels have come down, retreat-undurnya consumption was reduced to heads per day. If the animal is swallowing much causes the body heat.

Retreat-retreat seekers and pengepulnya in Surabaya. As present in the area Surya Gunungsari. Fortunately, 40, a resident of Jl. It's received orders Jagalaya retreat-retreat. "Usually they come here looking for decorative fish that I sell," he said.

Ning, collectors retreat, retreat living in Nginden II, said consumers usually a message at least 50 individuals. For under that amount, an alumnus of this Perbanas respect to Rp 7,500 per cow. "If the message in the top 100 was worth one,000," he said.

One time on a time there brother came up together with his motorbike could ask to find retreat-retreat. "According to retreat-retreat by the brother had been able as diabetes drugs," said the mustachioed man this. arena in childhood play retreat-retreat, Lucky is not difficult to discover a place this animal. He sold a retreat-retreat at one,000 per cow. However, it depends on the season. The dry season is simple to find this needle dragonfly child. Conversely, if the rainy season is difficult, thus more pricey. Because the soil becomes wet. And retreat-retreat was reluctant to come out.

According to him, these animals are not simple to die even if sent outside the town. "Retreat, this retreat has a survival that is high ," says Ning. In a closed condition contained plastic, retreat-retreat stay alive long as there is sand and ants.

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